Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Mountains of Guatemala

We said good bye to our fun friends Straight Six Straight South, in the FJ, but not before we had a big ol’ blow out of a time. And by “blow-out-of-a-time” I mean the most challenging day of driving to date. You may be wondering if we already told you about our challenging time here, but really that was just a warm up for what was ahead. So yes, that means that we tried twice to get to Sumac Champey and honestly, we just weren’t willing to give up the second time around. The story goes something like this:
Our confidence in the map at this point was a little shot, based on how our previous drive had rounded out so we put a little extra time and effort into our second round of research. Which means we asked around, double and triple checked different GPS’ and looked at Google Earth. With all systems go, we set out first thing in the morning. At first the road was great, it was wide, paved and comfortable. Then as we started to climb a little bit Emma, the FJ, was a little upset and pitched her throttle cable. No worries, easy fix. In the time it took me to make a cup of coffee, we were back on the road.
About that time, the road went down to be paved on only one side – pretty typical around these parts so no big deal. Then the time came to turn onto the smaller road on the map… Straight out of the gates we climbed about 2000ft in less than 3 miles. Delores was pissed, likely still upset from the hose we’d torn on her during our previous excursion. She started to get pretty hot so we looked for a place to pull over and bleed the radiator. Something that we were doing so frequently after ripping a coolant line that we keep the tools for this little exercise in the pocket of the driver’s side door. After a little burping, she was ready to go again. With each of our stops for mechanicals for the drive out of the way we were ready to rock-and-roll. Beautiful vistas of vibrant green hills and vivid blue skies made it hard for George to keep his eyes on the windy, steep road. Our car was full of laughs of astonishment and yewws at the awesome views.

In the first couple towns that we rolled through our similes and waves were returned. As we pressed on, up and down mountain passes at a racy 13 MPH and finding ourselves deeper in the mountains, the temperament of the people we saw shifted. First we rolled up on a roadblock of tall rocks covered with a huge log and about seven 10 year olds in front of the roadblock. On the other side of the roadblock was a hand full of men with shovels and pick axes. Half of the men were working on a large patch in road and the other half were on bikes. George being the calm and amazing husband that he is greeted all of the boys with a huge, “Hola, mi amigos, que tal?” All the boys smiled and could barely say with a straight face, “20 quetzales to pass.” He told them with a huge smile that since it was to make the road better he would pay 10Q ($1.30) for both cars. This seemed agreeable so they moved the rocks and logs and we passed with smiles and waves. When we passed the guy with a pistol on his belt we were glad everyone in the review mirror was still smiling and waving.
As we pressed further into the village, there were no more smiles or waves. One group of younger boys yelled at us and then the smallest of the group chased us with his slingshot and a hand full of rocks. Needless to say we were committed to exiting this little pueblo quickly. On the other side of town we found the way out meant a big huge, steep, long gravel hill.
Now to fully understand what the next few minutes were like you need to understand a few things about our beloved Dolores. She has a Subaru engine in her. Which means that she has more power, but it means that first gear is NOT slow. Which also means we have to go up big huge, steep long gravel hills way faster than we’d like. So for about 7 minutes we went extraordinarily too fast up a big huge, steep gravel hill, throwing rocks, dust and dirt and bumping over the road. And THEN we screeched to a stop for a truckload of people that were coming DOWN the hill. We rolled backwards to a switchback where they had enough room to get around us. Still no smiles or waves just a thank you honk from the driver. Now George was faced with clutch starting up this extremely big huge, steep hill. He of course did this gracefully while only shortening our clutches life by about 5000 miles.
After another 10 minutes of throwing gravel dirt and dust we crested the top of the hill and waited for Spencer and Breena for what seemed like forever (they have really low wonderful gears and could cruise at a safer speed). They jumped out of the car and said, “At one point you guys were on TWO wheels! That was awesome!” Sure for them, my knees were still shaking.
From the top of the big hill you could see a huge mine of some sort across the valley. We later learned that it was the source of the discontentment that we experienced from the locals. They thought we were the Canadian miners that stole their land. The rest of the drive was bumpy dirt roads, which left the van interior and exterior covered in approximately one inch of the finest red dust.

After about 8 total hours of driving roughly 80 miles we arrived in Lanquin, found a place to park for the night, ate dinner and went to bed.
Over the next few days in Lanquin we floated the river with tubes and beers, played cards during the heat of the afternoon, ate Spencer’s fabulous curried lentils with chicken and the day before we left for Sumac Champey, we poisoned ourselves with water from Rio Dulce. It was awesome.
Although we were sick, weak and afraid of the brightness of the outdoors we drove yet another terrible road to Sumac Champey. This road however, was legendary so we knew exactly what we were getting ourselves into. After surviving the drive we parked the cars and ventured to the falls. We felt unbelievably refreshed after a swim in the stunning pools.

That night we were excited to be out of town and in the jungle under cacao trees where it would be quiet and we could get some much needed rest. However, this jungle was not like the jungle we’d become accustom to. Within 10 feet of the van, there were collectivos arriving and departing with hostal guests, two dogs barking at each arrival and departure, a pig that was upset about being tied up for the night, a rooster that wanted to break the silence when the dogs weren’t barking and after it finally settled down for about 30 minutes at 3 am, everyone got up for work and started jamming tunes at 4 am. It was the perfect night sleep for 3 people with food poisoning and one with a cold. Needless to say we were up and ready to hit the road at the first hint of daylight.

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